Intro: create a new account (App)

A step-by-step app instruction with screen shots (below):

First thing first, find Arrowspeed  in your mobile app store (iOS or Android).

Once you have the App installed, opened, here is how to proceed:

  1. Click “New account
  2. Fill in (i) Mobile Phone number, (ii) Password and (iii) Name, then click on “Pin SMS” to receive a pin code; fill in Pin the 4-digit code found in your text message.
  3. Click the Checkbox for “Terms and Conditions”;
  4. Finish by clicking “Register”.
  5. Click here to enter the menu, then click “Balance
  6. Click “to pay the deposit
  7. Click the Checkbox
  8. Click on the “pay confirm
  9. Fill in your credit card info and confirm by clicking “Pay kr 99.00


Congratulations! Now you are ready to ride.

E-Bike on!


// Arrowspeed Team



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